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Rock and sand

Comprehensive return policy

Your satisfaction is our top priority, we offer a convenient return policy to all our customers and ensure each of our customer is satisfy with his order.

Not satisfied

If you are not satisfy with the product you got from us, you can return it to us for full refund or exchange. You have to contact us within 30 days since the delivery of the package. The product must be returned to us in his original box with his packaging not opened and not damaged. The original paperwork, accessories, warranty cards must be present with the product. Please note that the shipping cost is not refundable, also shipping cost from your country to China has to be paid by you.

Package damaged

You got a product damaged during delivery of your package. You have to contact us within 48 hours to inform us that the product got damaged during delivery. Take clear pictures of the product and the package (outside and inside) showing clearly the damages. Depending of the situation and the product, you will have to send back the damaged product back to us (we will pay all the shipping costs) and we will send you a new product immediatly.

Product is damaged after use

Each product has different warranty time from his manufacturer. Depending of the product we will be responsible to resolve the damaged issue according to the terms and conditions of the manufacturer. We will try our best to resolve the issue by sending you a new element to replace the damaged part.